Signs perimenopause is ending

What are the signs perimenopause is ending? When am I going to be in “the menopause”? So many ladies ask this, and it is such a difficult question to answer. It will be different for every individual. For some, it can last for several years and they can have a hard time with it; whilst for others, it can be relatively short and they won’t even notice anything is going on.

What are the Signs perimenopause is ending

Menopause is when you do not have a period for at least 12 months. A lot of women who are approaching menopause may not have a period for a few months, then they will have one, then maybe not have another for several months, before having yet another one, and so on. So, what we are talking about here is perimenopause and this can last 6 or more years before menopause. When you read about menopause symptoms (see my menopause page), these are the same as perimenopause symptoms.

What is perimenopause? 


Perimenopause is when your hormones start to change during the lead up to the menopause; it can last for a few years. Symptoms can be quite varied from person to person. For some ladies the symptoms can be extreme, affecting work and having a real impact on their life.

It can have a real emotional effect on some, and for others it can be just a change in their periods, with barely any symptoms or possibly a combination of both. So how can you spot the signs that perimenopause is ending when everyone is so different?

What are the main signs perimenopause is ending?

Changing periods is an indication that you are moving towards menopause. Periods may only last a day or two and be much lighter. You might not have one for a few months and this can last a year or more, whereas for some ladies their periods can just stop. Women notice that the symptoms that they have experienced previously can become a lot more intense.

Hormones fluctuate, one month they can be really high, and the next month low. This can cause symptoms to vary from month to month and it can be hard for you, worrying how you are going to cope with symptoms like mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness and irritability.

Some women may still be getting their monthly cycles, but they are a lot worse. Sleep issues can be a real problem, having trouble getting to sleep, waking in the night and waking up extra early.

When are you considered to be in menopause?

It is said that menopause occurs when you have been absent from periods for 12 months, and for most women, this is the case, but there have been women who haven’t had a period for over a year, thinking the signs are that perimenopause is ending when out of the blue they have a period and might continue to do so for a few more months. If this is the case, it is important to get checked by a doctor to confirm that you are not suffering from cysts, fibroids or anything else.

A good way of determining if perimenopause is ending would be to keep a diary of your periods. When they are, how long they are for, how heavy they are and the symptoms you are experiencing with them. Then over a period of a few months you can observe any changes and whether there are signs perimenopause is ending and that you are coming to the menopause.

How can we ease the symptoms of perimenopause?

It is so important to look after yourself, taking time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes. All these changes can put a lot of pressure on your body. 

If you are waiting for the signs perimenopause is ending but you’re still struggling with symptoms, then there are treatments available to help you through, so that you are not suffering. HRT is one, it helps to relieve symptoms by replacing the oestrogen that is lost.

HRT is available in gel, skin patches or a tablet. Women may start to experience relief within a couple of weeks, but it can take a few months to feel the full effect. This can improve your quality of life, helping you to feel back to your old self.

There is some evidence that by using HRT, the risk of cardiovascular disease will reduce. It will also help protect you against osteoporosis helping prevent bone deterioration, even for women who take a low dose.

Hypnotherapy can also be another great way to help. To keep looking for the signs that perimenopause is ending can be draining. You want to be able to carry on with your life the best you can.

How hypnotherapy can help

By using hypnotherapy, I will guide you into a deep state of relaxation helping you to feel much calmer. Closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing and in turn, helping your body to relax.

Relaxing as a treatment

By relaxing your body and focusing on the imagery, you can forget about what is happening in the outside world and let go of unwanted thoughts that may be troubling you. This can help improve symptoms of stress and anxiety and additionally help to improve sleep.

Controlling body temprature

If suffering from hot flushes, I will use cooling imagery to help you control your body temperature, this helps the brain re-learn and take control of your body temperature. This can also help improve sleep for ladies suffering from night sweats and hot flushes throughout the night.

Deal with the suffering

It is important to understand that there are many ladies suffering, but this doesn’t need to be the case, as there is lots of support out there and with the right treatment that suits you, things can be more manageable so you can enjoy your life.

Menopause and mast cell

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